today or any other day

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Muuuuch better...

Ok so enough of the haircut satire... Things this week were pretty interesting. I kept super busy with work ( as always) and work proved to have plenty of entertaining moments. I ended up going to an appointment with one of my newer clients and sat with her grandma while she was back in the appointment. This grandma is an INTERESTING little woman (the first contact I had with her was the intake paperwork, of which she dotted EVERY I with a heart!) She cracks me up because she is so scatter brained, and is at times all over the place. We were talking about thanksgiving because she was curious whether her grandchild would be able to come home, and while we were talking about that somehow she got talking to me about online dating services affiliated with my church. I had the hardest time keeping a straight face while she was telling me that I should make myself a profile on one of those sites! One of my other girls went on her very first home visit and has called me three times since she got home yesterday...I don't know if I should stop answering the phone, or if I am not setting clear enough boundaries, but at the same time I would rather be there on the phone to talk her out of relapseing with drugs or alcohol than have to talk to her next week when she is really down and out after giving in to temptation... I guess I am her "sponsor" right now?!

Um time for a hair cut... ha ha ;P

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cruising along the roller coaster highway...

I ended up taking a drive down to our girls last volleyball game of the season and the travel took me on a rural highway that I have never traveled before. I traveled down with three girls, and despite the possibilities of taking three girls on a road trip for over an hour, it was kind of fun. The drive proved to be not only beautiful with the view of the sun setting across Utah Lake with the Autumn colors, but entertaining with it's rolling terain...I found myself speeding to enjoy the ride;) At times the view was amazing, and a couple times I found myself not paying as much attention to the road as I should of :0 The drive back was good...the girls drove back on the bus and I just turned up the tunes, sang along, and enjoyed the ride!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I blew out my 25th birthday candles yesterday, and said goodbye to yet another year. I am now officially a quarter of a century old (approximately 1/3 of my journey complete of this mortal existance)I looked back at the blog that I wrote on my last birthday... I had almost forgotten my last birthday altogether?! I had a good birthday this year. My parents and sister came down, and although they weren't able to stay very long, the series of events and circumstances are sure to be memorable MUCH longer than just next year... Just as last year I found myself reflecting back upon the series of events that made up the last year, true to the previous reflection, where I am now could not have been predicted last year! Last night after my family had hit the road to go back home, I decided to take a little drive up the point of the mountain, and down the alpine highway and just drove and thought while listening to a local saturday evening radio show. I found some interesting look out spots over the utah and salt lake valley, and had to chuckle when I thought of the dire possibilities of when I decided to get out of my car and hike up this little hill to see what the look out possibilities were... all was well, but I did come a bit close to a large/deep whole that looked as if it had been dug for a foundation, I figured after that close call that I ought to quit hiking around in the dark on a construction site! I did find an interesting road that without really any warning just ended on the side of a mountain (it didn't even have a road sign with reflection tape) I wondered if anyone was unfortunate enough if not paying attention while driving in the dark could actually crash directly into the side of the mountain?! I wonder how similar life is to that road which ended without any warning...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

LONG weekend face painting at the slave-festival...

My work puts on a big fundraising festival every fall to raise money to sponsor kids through our program and I was partly responsible for the face painting tent. I have worked over 72 hours this week, and I don't get paid for a minute over forty (you got to love salary pay!) Overall It went fairly well. By the end of the night tonight I was sore, and my patience was shot, but none of my clients or kids I was in charge of ran away (which is more than what some people could say!) It was crazy how many people we had... the face painting tent made right around three grand yesterday alone, and at two dollars a pop we painted well over 1,3oo faces! I did more organizing and running around than actual face painting (cause the few times I actually sat down to paint it didn't turn out so hot!) so my feet are KILLING me. I am Sooooooo looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fall camera fun...

Fall is basically my most favorite time of year... and I wish I had more time to savor it before fall fades to winter. I headed out today with just an hour or so of sunlight left, and I thought I would drive around the area to seek out some good picture taking spots... but it turned out the sun went down quicker than I expected and I hardly had a chance to shoot any pictures before the sun crept down behind the mountains. Life has been hectic lately and I feel like I hardly have the time to do anything other than work eat and sleep. I have been working late hours just to stay on top of things (but even with working till six or later almost every night, I still find myself scrambling to just keep up). I am on overage at work because I have more than a full caseload, but hopefully they will hire someone else at work so I can dump some of the "high maintanance" families OFF my caseload! I just have this particular parent that calls me at least twice a week to just "see how their kid is doing" It drives me crazy because they NEVER call my office number they ALWAYS call my cell and it irritates the crap out of me cause they don't always leave a message and it just interupts the session that I am in, so I just don't answer my phone if it isn't someone from my work network unless I KNOW the number is not them! Well now that I am an old lady it is almost my bedtime (plus got to get my rest for slave labor festival this week)...

Thank you for smoking... and things you never knew, you never knew!

My brother told me about the movie "Thank you for smoking" so I decided to watch it tonight. It was pretty good, but not as entertaining that I had anticipated...It would have been great if it were just a video store find rather than a movie that I sought out?! Today I was browsing around on one of my friend's myspace pages and I came across a girl that I went to school with that was my "twin" because we would always tell everyone that because we had the same birthday (and we were born in the same hospital less than two hours apart) It was odd because I was just thinking about this girl the other day when I was talking to the girls I work with about how I had some pretty messed up teeth before braces (she used to call me shark tooth... until I got braces and her teeth got crooked!) This girl had our highschool listed on her schools so I found myself browsing around my highschools alumni that graduated the same year that I did. I was fully entertained because myspace seems to be good for finding out things that you never knew you never knew! There were about 150 alums listed out of approximately 500 in my graduating class, and it was kind of fun to find out "what their doing now"! Myspace seems to be good at "outing" people who have secrets... and browsing today was no exception!!! Myspace is such an interesting and entertaining medium to keep in contact with people...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The comedy of irony

Sometimes the irony of circumstances causes a smile to creep across your face. I was pulling out some papers and handouts that I have collected over the years and I was making copies to give to one of my clients for a theraputic assignments and I had to smile. Some of the things that I was copying like the "how to determine your in love" questionaire I have had since I was a senior in high school! It makes you wonder if unknowingly we are preparing for things long before they happen. I mean seriously how many handouts and worksheets from highschool would you really feel compelled to keep for seven years? I have to laugh at the things I have collected and how amazingly well that they fit the work that I am doing now... It just makes you wonder!