today or any other day

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A series of "one of those days"

At times I feel like I am just one step behind an anxiety attack... cause despite my time constraints it almost never fails that my to do list keeps growing! At times I wish that my job was a bit more predictable, but then I realize that I wouldn't really be satisfied with monotony either! I just wish that I at least felt as if I was on top of things more often!!! I need to do a better job at managing my time I am sure, but some days I feel like I am running from one thing to the next! Today was one of those days that around every corner lurked another unexpected situation to tackle... an assembly that sucked away an hour, telling a girl that I had to report something that she told me in session (it absolutely floors me at the inability of some grown men to keep their dicks in their pants!)having a girls parents show up unannounced from out of state and expecting me to fit in a session, telling a girl that the guy that she is having a hard time letting go of (who presents one of the biggest risks for relapse) has just been locked up and mandated treatment(which with his mindset will have absolutely no impact), and to top that off feeling like my phone was permantently glued to my ear returning calls and leaving messages. I know that things will work out, but with the vacation time I am taking next week, and the things scheduled the few weeks after it is going to be an interesting ride!!!


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