today or any other day

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fall camera fun...

Fall is basically my most favorite time of year... and I wish I had more time to savor it before fall fades to winter. I headed out today with just an hour or so of sunlight left, and I thought I would drive around the area to seek out some good picture taking spots... but it turned out the sun went down quicker than I expected and I hardly had a chance to shoot any pictures before the sun crept down behind the mountains. Life has been hectic lately and I feel like I hardly have the time to do anything other than work eat and sleep. I have been working late hours just to stay on top of things (but even with working till six or later almost every night, I still find myself scrambling to just keep up). I am on overage at work because I have more than a full caseload, but hopefully they will hire someone else at work so I can dump some of the "high maintanance" families OFF my caseload! I just have this particular parent that calls me at least twice a week to just "see how their kid is doing" It drives me crazy because they NEVER call my office number they ALWAYS call my cell and it irritates the crap out of me cause they don't always leave a message and it just interupts the session that I am in, so I just don't answer my phone if it isn't someone from my work network unless I KNOW the number is not them! Well now that I am an old lady it is almost my bedtime (plus got to get my rest for slave labor festival this week)...


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