Muuuuch better...
Ok so enough of the haircut satire... Things this week were pretty interesting. I kept super busy with work ( as always) and work proved to have plenty of entertaining moments. I ended up going to an appointment with one of my newer clients and sat with her grandma while she was back in the appointment. This grandma is an INTERESTING little woman (the first contact I had with her was the intake paperwork, of which she dotted EVERY I with a heart!) She cracks me up because she is so scatter brained, and is at times all over the place. We were talking about thanksgiving because she was curious whether her grandchild would be able to come home, and while we were talking about that somehow she got talking to me about online dating services affiliated with my church. I had the hardest time keeping a straight face while she was telling me that I should make myself a profile on one of those sites! One of my other girls went on her very first home visit and has called me three times since she got home yesterday...I don't know if I should stop answering the phone, or if I am not setting clear enough boundaries, but at the same time I would rather be there on the phone to talk her out of relapseing with drugs or alcohol than have to talk to her next week when she is really down and out after giving in to temptation... I guess I am her "sponsor" right now?!