today or any other day

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Holy Hanna... What a Week!

I went up with my clients for a rec challenge and spent the night with them on wednesday. The scary yellow smily's are compliments of confidentiality! It was a good time, but it was one of the weirdest nights sleep I have ever had. I had 11 girls in my cabin and I was responsible for them, so I felt like I was on hyper mom mode. I slept so lightly that when they talked in their sleep I practically sat up to answer them. I tripped myself out multiple times during the night thinking I had seen things. I learned that mixing work and sleep doesn't work out too hot for me! I got a call this morning in between snoozing my alarm from one of my clients parents (stupid me for giving out my work cell number!) I found out that one of the girls that had been doing well didn't come home and had relapsed. It is interesting that the first thing I thought was not how much I wanted to lay into this girl for making a stupid mistake, but rather I was hoping that she was safe and making sure that when she turned up that no one shamed and blamed her because I know she will be hard enough on herself. I have an interesting job...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

If I didn't know better I'd think I just hallucinated!

I was heading to blockbuster and I was behind a jeep getting on the interstate when for no apparent reason the car jerked to the left off the road and drove up the hill on the side of the onramp. I panicked a second thinking there might be black ice, but the road seemed absolutely dry... so I spent the rest of the way to blockbuster second guessing what I just saw??? On a completely different note I have come to the conclusion that I am not satisfied with my social life and living arrangment any longer! I was really frustrated that sundance film festival was going on less than an hour away from me with free music shows with good artists this weekend, and I had no one that I could go with! I am also less than fond of being secluded to my room while my roomate has her warm body buddies over...time for changes again!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy birthday Helen Keller...

It was my grandmother's birthday today, and since my family was in town we took a trip out to visit her grave at the cemetary. The fact that there was around a foot of snow covering all the grave stones made it an interesting hunt to uncover the right grave stone, but we managed to find it fairly easily. It is odd to think that my grandmother would have been turning 78 because I never met her. It is also crazy to think that she died at the young age of 48, because the older I get the younger that seems! On the drive out there my mom shared stories about my grandmother, and as my mom was talking about my grandmother I gained a greater understanding of my mother and insight as to why she did some of the things the way she did when I was growing up. It is interesting how much a product we can be of our environment.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

People with an aversion to conflict=BIG FAT LIERS!!

I can't really explain how irritating it is when people would rather avoid conflict and confrontation by lying DIRECTLY TO YOUR FACE!!! and you wonder where their children learn it from?! I have had a rough week and a half coming back from the holiday break and picking up the pieces from the ten days I was out of town. I guess I can sort of sum it up with the phrase "while the cat is away the mice will play" Let's just say my girls were little rats over the holidays! After surviving this last holiday season at work, I have been baptized by fire! I guess If I look back I can see this whole ordeal as a GREAT learning experience...just got to wait until enough time has past so that I can look back!

Monday, January 01, 2007


COME, let us anew
Our journey pursue,
Roll round with the year,
And never stand still...
our talents improve,
By the patience of hope, and the labour of love...
Our life is a dream;
Our time as a stream
Glides swiftly away,
And the fugitive moment refuses to stay.
The arrow is flown,
The moment is gone...

Just a little hymn to ring in the new year! I looked back at my post from last new years, and again I look back on the past year and am suprised the journey life has taken me on. This week I will have worked at my current job for SEVEN months! It is interesting that nothing helps build understanding like hind sight. I have been on vacation for the last 10 days, and it seems like if anything could have gone wrong while I was gone on vacation it did... Ok so maybe that is a bit cynical, but everytime my work phone rang I dreaded answering it because I got this feeling like, ok what has gone wrong now! I feel that after surviving this last holiday season at work I can now handle anything!!! As we move into the new year, I will just have to gear up to handle anything that life wants to throw my way (both good and bad!)