today or any other day

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A little weight off the shoulders... in more ways than one!


It has been an interesting week. I thought that I was going to walk out of class on monday night and be pretty much through with the semester ,but it didn't quite happen that way :( I found out sunday night that we got an inadequate grade on the group paper for my class, and that we had to redo it... Actually the teacher was pretty fair (we were so burnt out with that whole paper, and group situation, and we pretty much just wanted to be done with it!) Honestly no one read completely through that paper... AND IT SHOWED! Moreover we were behind the eightball...(if you only knew how funny that is!)The semester was finally over at three in the morning on friday when we sent the professor the revised paper, and all I care is that I passed that stupid class! I am not going to have as much free time over the winter break as I previously would have hoped (I have some new and some kinda chaotic cases at my internship... and even though school is technically out, my clients lives can't go on hold!) I think keeping busy will be a good thing, as long as I can relax a few days a week,having appointments and things I have to do will be good for me! Well the other weight off my shoulders is my hair... after over three years growing it out I chopped off 14 inches (pictures are included for dramatic effect! Well I think that is going to be all from me for now, I only have 23 minutes of battery left on the good ol' laptop and I am sitting in a car down the street from my house(so I should go before someone calls the cops about some crazy woman sitting in her car on the computer doing who knows what...:0


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