today or any other day

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The miracle of life...

I have been so freaking busy over the last week, and school practically had me beating my brains in... but other than that things are going ok! I found out that my best friend from kindergarten just had her first baby... hence the picture! He was a healthy baby boy 9lbs 4oz, and 21inches long! My friend has always been tiny so it is a miracle that something that big came out of her. She sent me picture of her, and her whole body was swollen like a ballon! She told me when I talked to her on sunday that she had gained like 60lbs...She couldn't even fit into her shoes cause she was so swollen! It is weird when childhood friends start to have babies, cause me and her always talked about raising our kids together... at this rate her children will be old enough to babysit my kids when I finally have some! I guess I have had a lot of adventures so far, and it is not yet time for me to turn the leaf of childbearing?! I am excited because school this semester is coasting down hill. After this last hellish week, I don't know if I could take anymore this semester anyways! It is nice to know that I am only like two weeks of classes from the end of the semester! I am not sure what I am going to do over the month off from classes, there is all the family stuff for the holidays, but I think it would drive me crazy if I didn't have anything to do? I still have to meet with some families for my internship over the break so that will give me something to do, but I probably should try to make money some how too!? Maybe I could do some holiday help somewhere...or maybe I will just relax and enjoy the SHORT time that I don't have to do any home work?


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