I am feeling a little bit violent toward this woman at my internship! It is hard to get a clear understanding of this woman, but think annoying, think nosey, think hands in everyone’s cookie jar, think tries to be everyone’s mother, and did I mention annoying? I would rather my ears bleed than to hear that stupid woman say “COOL” one more time! And her laugh makes me want to kick her in the teeth! So here is what makes my blood boil… We just recently moved from one office in the building to another. At the time of the move we pretty much had a say on where we wanted to be… or shall I say she had a say where SHE wanting things to be! Well there is this desk that someone else in the building couldn’t fit into the office, at first she put her name on it because she liked it, then because it didn’t fit how she liked it she decided to give it up. Then at the time of the move another desk appeared to replace the crappy ply wood piece of junk that I had for a desk… oh to get a picture of the old office situation… there were six people in one office that was only like 20X30 and my little work area was right in front of the door where I was sandwiched between a computer desk and the crappy ply wood (thing) I had barely enough room to turn my chair without hitting my knees on the computer desk, or the ply wood desk!… Well anyways today I came in, and this woman said “don’t get fully attached to your desk because someone else may need it” it totally irritated me because when the desk was dropped off the guy said it was for me to replace the piece of crap that I had been using… the only reason that I wouldn’t end up with it is if someone else wanted to switch me for the one that they had (which this woman is making her personal responsibility to make sure that no one else could possibly want it before they give it to me!) Then when desks got arranged mine was put on the wall next to the door (temporarily) because another desk was being stored in the corner till someone gets back into town, and it was understood that I wanted to move into the corner when the desk was removed. Ok so I found out when I came into today that a bunch of changes happened while I was gone, and we have some new hires, and some internal promotions, and so forth, and one of the new hires would be in this office with us. When I said something about moving my desk today when the other desk gets moved this woman said “oh well the new hire when he gets here next week has first dibs on having his desk there” So I said well if everything is arranged before he gets here, then it won’t be an issue, cause he won’t know any different!” Then she said something about letting the full time hire to have precedent over where he wants his desk… I wanted to kick her in the teeth, because I am like how is this ANY of your business?! I just dropped it and focused on something else… then the supervisor was in the room I left for a couple minutes and when I got back this woman turned to me and said “I talked to (the supervisor) and she said that the new hire should be able to have his desk over there” I took a deep breath and said oh, ok! then she had the nerve to say, “I know your upset about it, but that is what she said”! I was livid! Why did she ask the supervisor? and what business is it of hers anyways! When this woman finally left the room, and I turned to the other girl in the office (who shares my irritation with this woman) and said I just had to vent to you, but it took all I had when that woman said “I know your upset” to not just let her have it! ...Ok enough of that I just needed to get that off my chest before I exploded! On a lighter note I got a laptop yesterday!… I think it is funny because it is worth more than my car, but I was getting tired of having to go back and forth to the school all the time to do assignments, and my parent’s PC is worthless! Having the laptop will be a huge stress reducer, because over thanksgiving break I need to bust out a bunch of stuff... and I found out last week that we will either be in Grace or Sandy for Turkey day. Well that is the end of this little blog novella!
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