today or any other day

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

chapped lips crack when you smile

So the title is a little dramatic, but it just came to me... my inspiration? Um chapped lips (There the worst!)I had to get my butt out of bed early today so I could be to school at 7:00, it wouldn't have been so bad cept it was so freaking cold... there was stupid snow on my car, winter is taking a firm hold! :( (I am seriously thinking about moving to warmer climate... where snow and cold are an oddity), but first things first! I am looking forward to turkey day break... I have a whole week off school, then when I come back from thanksgiving break I really only have two weeks left of class! I just have to get through the next week, and then I can take a deep breath, cause the semester winds down from there! If I can just keep from slipping into a coma from the myriad of school assignments I have looming over my head due next week, I'll be golden!


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