today or any other day

Thursday, November 24, 2005

I'ts three o' clock and all is well...

It's after three in the morning, and for some reason I can't sleep? I was working on stuff till about 1:30, then laid in bed for an hour, then thought screw it if I can't sleep anyways I will send out some thankgiving ecards! So an hour later finished with the mass ecards and thought I would let some thoughts roll for a minute...then I will try to get some sleep? I know I am going to be kicking myself tommorow! I have to be up in less than three hours cause were driving to Sandy UT for thanksgiving... well maybe I can sleep most of the way there? I wasn't looking forward to any thought provoking conversations with my brother in law anyways! Sleeping will make the car ride less painful for sure... at least I'm not driving this holiday! It is crazy that last year this time I was in down in San Diego... Last year didn't seem much like Thankgiving cause we had Salmon!(and that is besides the fact that I REALLY am not a fish fan!) Who would have know that almost all of my former Americorps friends were going to become vegetarians? I think it is funny because the original team had only two vegetarians, and now there are 5 1/2 (one was wavering!) So when I sent ecards out I said happy turkey, or tofurkey day :) Well I guess I should try to get a couple hours of sleep before I have to spend five hours on the road...


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