today or any other day

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bah Humbug...

I am really having a hard time feeling the Christmas spirit this year... Christmas really snook up on me and has left me with a lot of good intentions! Life has been busy around my house, and we don't even have a Christmas tree yet! I feel like Christmas is going to come and go before anyone does anything about it? It is hard as you get older I think, because Christmas is so disenchanted! Yeah I am fully aware of what the real "reason for the season" is, but I am just not feeling Christmas-like. People keep bringing stuff by, and sometimes I think aren't they a bit early... but then I realize that I am a bit late! I have to take some of the responsibility for my lack of enthusiasm cause I just don't feel like doing anything Christmasy??? Maybe this week I will have a change of heart?...but for now BAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Humbug!


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