today or any other day

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The only thing I REALLY want to do is take a nap!

School is draining the energy right out of me... I was at my internship for 12.5 hours yesterday, and thanks to some selfish cohorts in my program I have the opportunity to meet tonight for who knows how long to sort out a certain group paper that was turned upside-down! Someone in my program the other day said "only 194 days till graduation" It seems so tangible when you break it down like that, plus that amount of days include weekends and holidays... and we have a whole month off for winter break! I think I just may make a cheesy paper calendar chain (like the ones you make in grade school for Christmas)... that way I can keep my eye on the prize! I just have a hard time getting excited about certain topics and after this sememster that should be pretty much remedied. I have been talking to different classmates under different circumstance and it is plain frustrating/scary the shady things that are being said and done in the department. (There's bureaucracy for you) Where's Durkhiem when you need him? The worst part of this whole situation is that there is pretty much a consensus among classmates I've spoken to about shady stuff going on, but their plan of action is just to get through it and voice their opinions via the program evaluations...trouble is I don't know if I have the energy/time to do anything different!


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