Word salad...

I was in class today and we had a speaker on thought disoders. The speaker obviously knew his stuff... but not exactly an dynamic speaker. While he was presenting I found myself wandering, and one area of distraction was the concept of word salad. I think it is absolutely hilarious that "word salad" is a clinicial term used by professionals. You would think that highly educated people would choose a phrase more sophisticated, but alas it is word salad! The meaning is: jumble of extremely incoherent speech as sometimes observed in schizophrenia. I guess I think it is funny because I am picturing one of two things...a literal picture of a salad... and the other... and sorry to admit it has to do with "tossing" and having nothing to do with literal salad! (forever tainted by the "wealth" of knowledge afforded to me by high school!) It is also funny watching professionals describe experiences they have had with people exhibiting this "word salad" symptom... they just get so animated and make gestures of spewing words and jumbling them up in a bowl and picking them out at random. I guess words cannot exactly do seeing/hearing justice?
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