today or any other day

Monday, February 27, 2006

Here's the hypothetical middle finger!!!

People irritate the crap out of me sometimes... especially the male counter part of mankind! I don't know what it is about possessing a penis that makes someone think that they can treat people like they don't matter?? I don't know what frustrates me the most, is it that I fall into the same patterns, or is it that people around me fit into the same patterns? I just don't get the motivation behind dragging something on rather than taking the easy way out... especially when it is handed to you nicely wrapped! The bitch of the situation is that I freaking started the whole thing out of mere curiosity and as a symptom of a WBN, and now those two things are what is making it difficult to just walk away!! It sucks to feel like you are practically throwing yourself at someone, and the gesture is returned with ambivalence! I am so irritated cause I tried to end this whole thing(and felt pretty content with it all), my observations were returned with hopeful but (empty) words that left me feeling kinda stupid and reactive... but I was freaking right on! That will teach me not to trust the old instincts! Well I guess it is my turn to return the disregard! I wonder how that feels... oh yeah I already know! Well enough bitching for today!? On a completely different topic, I absolutely love the shared music feature of itunes I love to browse through other peoples music collections, cause it is so interesting! I think it is interesting the bond that I feel to people based on their music interests... and the assumptions that I make too! I think it is interesting that I tend to make assumptions about personality based on the genres that they listen to! I find myself excited and attracted to complete strangers based on their music Detis!<3 if your out there ;) It is kinda weird cause these mystery people are somewhere close enough for me to pick up the signal of their shared music... yet I will probably never meet them? Maybe I will suggest that itunes have shared profiles for shared music... yes that is absolutely genious...but probably will never happen:(


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