nothing out of the ordinary
It has been a couple weeks since I have let my thoughts roll, but nothing extra ordinary happens?... I guess sometimes the collection of mundane is what makes up the marjority of the everyday. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that just when you think you have a situation figured out it changes in order to prove that nothing in real life is really predictible... I guess that is what makes it reality rather than fiction. Sometimes I wish I knew the script. I struggle sometimes with trying to neatly sort people into categories... but squares just don't fit into triangular spaces! I learned first hand how easy it is to erase eight years of emotional maturity when emotions and tempers flare...kinda scary how easy it is to be reactive even when you know better. I am counting down the weeks till graduation day, but not cause I am excited about finishing school really(well I guess I am). I think it has more to do with the discontent with my living arrangement. I am constantly reminded at the amazing amount of crap that can be "my fault". It is kinda like a slow leak of insanity living at home again, I am just hoping that I can survive without any permanent damage?
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