today or any other day

Monday, February 20, 2006

I am from...

I did a little writing exercise the other day in class of my own version of I am from which was originally done in a book called cultural collisions on the great plains. I was an interesting assignment that caused me to do a little reflection and I thought it was share worthy?
I am from Curtis & Charlene, Spencer & Helen, and Dewey & June
From the potato farms of eastern Idaho and the sticky humid hot of southern California
From the distant lands and foreign tongues of may European nations
I am from meat and potato eaters, casserole eaters, and eaters of warm home made bread
I am from don't ask don't tell, suffer in silence, and take care of your own problems
From superficial service, and silently judge those who you help
I am from be home by six, choose the right, and remember who you are
I am from no drinking, no smoking LDS folks who said cards are only evil if they have faces on them
From farmers, store owners, and industry plant workers
I'm from pink banana seat bicycles, blue station wagons, and I Love Lucy
I'm from outside pets, wild cats, and swimming in the irrigation canal
Long summer nights and starry skies looking down on the roof top
I am from the Idaho Metropolis, and conservatism
From growing gardens for self sufficiency
From biblical prophets and scriptural heroes, and the Mormon tabernacle choir
My own sweet dance against the grain of homemaking mothers of bread winning fathers


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