today or any other day

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"It's like how many babies fit in a tire"... Ok so maybe not!

Introducing Emily Reese Jardine who as of today is 6 days old! Cute isn't she! It is kind of strange to me that a good portion of my friends now have little offspring! This is the first child of one of my college best friend from childhood had a baby in september. It is hard to imagine having kids because my life doesn't seem to be heading down that child bearing path any time in the foreseeable future...just waiting around for that "appropriate time" I suppose! It just seems that having a family is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far away...with maybe even a couple more ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo's! I have been struggling with career planning ambivelance lately. I am struggling with the idea of planning for my future under a "single" person's framework, because I hope to not have that framework FOREVER! It just sucks that I am finishing up the only life plan that I really have any control over, and it leaves me wondering which way to go from here? Maybe it is me just coping, but I don't feel as anxious about my post graduation plans now as I did six months ago (even though I am no closer to a plan now than I was then!)ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Enough of that... I did something today that I can't remember ever doing before. I was leaving the social work office heading toward the library and when I walked outside it was hailing pretty hard. I thought about waiting to see if it would let up, but decided to go anyways. In some bout of stupidity I left the house this morning with a poor excuse for a I just thought yep I am going to get wet and cold! I started out into the hail and could feel the hail hitting me, but fought the instinct to shrink away from it and just let it hit me. I felt a grin forming on my face at how rediculous I must have looked walking through the hail with nothing to pretect me from it, but at the same time I enjoyed feeling the hail coming down on was kind of freeing/exhiliarating?! After I had made the trek to the library and I was safe under the awning I looked out at the hail and had the urge to go play in the hail and lay down and let the hail hit me... I had to fight that urge, cause no matter how much fun I had playing in the hail It wouldn't be worth being miserably cold and wet for the rest of the day... Some other time I suppose!


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