I got what I wanted???
Well it turns out that I didn't have to have my home visit tonight... I got stood up! This is the second time in a row that I have scheduled an appointment with her, called to confirm, then got to the house and no one is there? I could be really pissed about driving out there, and wasting an hour and a half of my time, but mostly I am sad. Having this happens really reminds me that when services are voluntary how important it is to gain repore with someone so that you can provide services. I don't blame her for standing me up... if I was her I would be tempted to give up too! I just seems that no matter what she does it is not enough for "other people" on the treatment team...so it is hard to convince her that anything that her and I do will change that! The hardest part about the whole situation is that by her standing me up, she is proving "them" right and therby solidfying her fate! It just sucks cause I can't help her unless she lets me, so there is really nothing I can do!
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