today or any other day

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I am turning into an insomniac...

I have had the weirdest sleep patterns for the last few days, and it has nothing to do with daylight savings time! I have consistently gotten no more than four or five hours of sleep a night over the last few days and the quality of sleep is poor because I find myself waking up multiple times a night. It is weird because I don't neccesarily feel anxious or anything so I am not finding a rationale for my random change of sleeping patterns. I have FINALLY fixed my internet, but was not as sucessful with my roomates connection... and I am all too aware of it with her passive agressive antics! I think over the last two days I have spent probably four hours or more on the phone with tech support talking to sub quality outsourced tech support from an OBVIOUS foriegn country... If you ever have to call dlink tech support sock yourself in the face a couple times to ease the irritation of being on the phone with them! I think over the course of the last two days I have talked to probably seven or eight different technicians. It started out bad when the woman speaking broken english the first time was coupled with a terrible connection and the mouthpeice too close to her mouth with heavy breathing that made it sound as if she were taking calls as she was jogging up a flight of stairs! After she got tired with me saying uh could you repeat that? she told me to call back and hung up. Then I went through a range of tech support that were just mildly better but it seemed that the only english they knew came from a script because any deviation from the specific questions asked and they couldn't follow and would just repeat the question over again as if it were me that didn't understand. I finally got upgraded to second level support, but it still took me multiple times to finally get across to them that I don't have a freaking modem because I just have a wireless connection with laptops and no main computer... I think they finally jotted that part down on the LAST call so that they would know that the next time I called.... I pray that I never have to call that number again, and quite simply I would rather cut myself than try to trouble shoot with them again!


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