This is my current picture on my desktop, and I love that I took it with just a plain old point and shoot camera! So yeah it may be flawed with the focus a bit off... but pretty dang good for what I had to work with! Life is funny sometimes... funny in the sense that if you don't laugh you might be inclined to cry. I was running around doing errands today and while I was filling my car up with gas and it asked me if I wanted a car wash; I pushed yes thinking what the heck it has been a long time since I washed my car and it was getting pretty dirty. All went well until I pulled forward under the pressure of the water and the bristles... then came the flood! Apparently the sealant around the top of my windshield has all but peeled off... I grabbed my sweatshirt from the back of my car and tried to catch as much water as I could, but I still ended up with a good puddle of water around my gearshift and console... I just had to smile at how ridiculous I must have looked holding up my sweatshirt while water was pouring into my car! On my way home after all my errands were complete I was somewhat in a reflective mood and I made an interesting observation.. why is it that when there is an inversion and air quality is arguably at it's worst sunsets are the most brilliant pink and lavender?.. it is like all that crap in the air reflects the light and puts off the most beautiful colors... kind of an interesting collaboration of men and nature?!
i guess it depends on what you think is beautiful...
By Andrew, at 8:04 PM
Are you talking generally or are you questioning my preferences on colors? either way...huh?
By idaho, at 11:32 AM
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