today or any other day

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The week is winding down, and all is still well!

I made it through the ALL DAY GROUP and it really was enjoyable. I am always amazed at the insight and introspection that these girls are capable of! I did an activity where the girls had the opportunity to take a plain paper bag and place on the outside the things that other people define them as and what lables that they have, and on the inside they wrote things that most people don't know about them/what they keep hidden from people. There were a few girls that did the activity fairly superficial at first but as each girl shared their bags... each and every one of them dug a little deeper and really learned a lot about themselves and their peers. It was actually interesting because during the majority of the activity it was just me, and at the end one of their teachers joined while the last girl was sharing and while we were debreifing the activity. I was a little aprehensive that he joined because he is male, and some of these girls were sharing some of their histories with sexual abuse... but what I thought was most interesting is that as I was wrapping up and sharing my observations and appreciation for participation, he also shared.. (and got a bit teary eyed!) at how much he cared for each of the girls, and how proud he was of them for sharing... Interesting.


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