today or any other day

Thursday, October 13, 2005

And the word of the day is... gentrification!

My word of the day was sparked by a presentation I went to yesterday about neighborhood change, it was interesting! The woman talked so fast it was amazing, but that is besides the point. Life is just trucking along at warped speed lately! It is amazing to me how fast time is flying. I had my very first home visit today, and I was pretty anxious about it. It ended up going fairly well? but I guess time will tell... I felt like they were all scrutinizing me, butI guess I was probably being hyper sensitive!? It is good to actually be out there doing the work instead of watching other people do it... I was beginning to get restless! I actually had a supervisory meeting yesterday! I am just going to have to be super assertive to make sure that they happen on a regular basis. I was glad that it happened yesterday so that I could ease some concerns about today... cause if not I would have gone to the meeting even less sure of myself!


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