today or any other day

Thursday, September 29, 2005

the only constant is change!

Ambivalence sucks! I have been in an agency for my practicum for over 120 hours and, have only seen my supervisor for an hour and a half... which is less than 1%! To top it off I am not really working with my desired client population, so I have been going back and forth about a possible change. I was pacified about a week ago that things were going to change for the better...but not so much! And now I find myself back at the beginning which is really nowhere! Monday is go time, because I either need to be taking on new clients who are coming into treatment, or I need to be starting somewhere else. I am in the process of exploring different options, but I am hesitant at being impulsive, because I feel that is half the reason that I am currently where I am at... How is that for saying a lot without really saying anything!?


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