today or any other day

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Got to love the fam...

Sometimes when I am thinking about it my family is pretty amusing... For example it is after 2AM and my mother is in the other room emailing on the family computer to my brother. I am a firm believer that no matter how perfect a family appears they have their quirks and dysfunctions just like the next. Not that I would claim my family as appearing perfect, cause I don't think we do... but I think some of our conversations and actions would suprise many?! My family has this game that we play often with rook cards called nert, and it is not at all uncommon for us to play till 1 or 2 in the morning. I was thinking the other day about what my future spouse would have to be in order to mesh well with the fam, and it kind of made me smile. In our family we have a PRIME example of a spouse that does not, and I DO NOT want one of those! I guess I have come to the realization about how important it is for me to have a spouse that can get along well with my family, and that will enjoy spending time with my family (quirks and all.) Well I guess first things first... got to have prospects before jumping to the discriminating factors!


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