Wandering aimless on memory lane makes the road to the future harder to find
I have been going through old boxes of stuff in my seemingly endless quest to get settled in. It was a pleasant and... Not so pleasant time of reminiscing. Some of the stuff brought happy memories and some stuff not so much... It was interesting to me that so much emotion could be tied to such seemingly insignificant junk. The human brain is an amazing tool! I was amazed at being able to recall such details of situations that have long since passed. Memories are not just events they are snapshots of emotion that can come back to you so easily. I found it interesting at the shrine like collections that I just can't part myself with from different times in my life. I can shake my head at myself for being such a sentimental shmuck... but that doesn't make it easier to part with. It doesn't hurt to visit memory lane every once in a while, as long at it doesn't turn into an extended visit. What if's can plague your thoughts if you let them! I guess I will just pack those memories back into a box until the next time I feel like making a visit...
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