today or any other day

Friday, August 19, 2005

Life's simple pleasures

I was driving along this morning listening to my car stereo thinking wow I am sure glad that my stereo works... I haven't had a stereo in my peice of junk car that long. It kinda made me laugh because I had been using a headset and earphones till my brother jimmy rigged an old CD player to put in my car. I think that is only funny because I would wait till I was going on the free-way or driving down the road to belt out and sing along! I started out just singing along whenever I felt the urge, but people tend to gawk when your wearing earphones singing along to a song that nobody can hear but you! Plus wearing earphones in a hot car is makes your ears sweat...ewwww! Ironically my little car stereo stopped working on my way home this morning, so I had to revert back to the good old earphones till I got home and my brother could mess with it. Anyways it reminded me that sometimes you start to take for granted the little things that make you happy or put a smile face till they aren't there any more!


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